Our unique approach offers the convenience of multiple health services all in one location, including various chiropractic treatments, massage therapy, acupuncture and more. Take a look to learn more about our services.


Chiropractic has an ageless place in health care, dating back thousands of years. The Chinese have included “manipulative” treatment methods for thousands of years.

The doctor of chiropractic (D.C.) is a well-recognized and highly regarded member of the health care community who considers the human body as a totaling functioning unit with special attention given to the spine, muscles, nerves, circulatory and skeletal systems. The chiropractor seeks to relieve pain, illness and injury by skillful manipulation of the vertebra (and other joints) and through the use of other therapeutic procedures as necessary.


The doctor of chiropractic is especially skillful in treating neuro-musculo-skeletal conditions such as disc or injury conditions involving the back and neck. Millions of Canadians depend on their chiropractor for a wide range of health disorders to help them maintain their health through proper diagnosis, treatment and referral when necessary.


The doctor of chiropractic is uniquely qualified to render primary care by virtue of their extensive training in anatomy, pathology, physiology, diagnosis, x-ray and treatment techniques.


Conditions treated:

• Sports Injuries
• Arthritis
• Backaches
• Lower back pain
• Knee pain
• Chronic pain
• Rotator cuff injuries
• Rheumatism
• Muscle tears
• Whiplash
• Tennis elbow 
• Hip pain
• Frozen shoulder 
• Sciatica
• Neck sprains 
• Stiffness 
• Post-injury rehab
• Elbow pain

Massage Therapy

For centuries, massage has been recognized for its healing properties. Our massage therapists use a range of techniques for pain reduction and stress relief.

Massage may be defined as manipulation of the tissues of the body for therapeutic purposes. The word itself is taken from a root meaning “to knead” or “to handle”. Massage is one of the easiest ways of attaining and maintaining good health, and it is something we all do naturally.


General massage causes an immediate increase in the red blood cell count and hemoglobin that is transient but has a tendency to be more prolonged with repetition. Massages produce muscular relaxation in patients with muscle twitching and spasm. General massage may last from 45 minutes to an hour. Frequency of treatment may range from daily to twice weekly. The dosage and frequency of the massage are based entirely on the individual patient’s condition. For centuries, massage has been recognized for its healing properties. Modern medicine has proven massage to help in the following ways:


Skeletal System: Correct posture and body balance is maintained. Muscular tension, which eventually causes structural problems, is reduced. Expels waste matter from muscles, partially compensating for lack of exercise. Tone is restored to flaccid muscles, partially compensating for inactivity due to illness or injury. Muscle adhesions from injury are eliminated or prevented. Flexibility and joint strength is increased.


Nervous System: The nervous system can be either sedated or stimulated, depending on the technique used. The nervous system can be balanced, thereby affecting all the systems of the body.


Circulatory System: The supply of oxygen and nutrients to cells throughout the body is increased. Blood circulation is improved.
Strain on the heart is eased through the normal return of blood to this vital organ, especially in cases of forced inactivity due to illness or injury. Lymph is moved efficiently throughout the body, strengthening the immune system and eliminating toxic waste.


Respiratory System: Breathing patterns are improved. Long-term respiratory difficulties such as asthma and bronchitis are relieved.


Digestive System: Waste products are pushed out of the system, maintaining regularity and relieving constipation. Spastic colon is relieved.


Urinary System: The kidneys are massaged, thereby cleansing the blood and toning the entire system. Swelling is reduced due to elimination of fluids.


Muscular System: Relaxes and stimulates muscles. Reduces fibrosis in muscles. Relieves soreness and stiffness.

The Myofascial Cupping Technique™ was developed by David Sheehan in 2002. It involves the gliding of negatively pressurized cups over the body with the assistance of massage cream and can be accompanied by joint mobilization. It is a very different technique to traditional cupping and importantly, marking the skin is NOT part of the desired treatment outcome. It also should be performed at a pressure level that is almost painless to the client.


How is it different to other massage techniques? Unlike all other massage techniques that use compression, the Myofascial Cupping Technique™ is unique in that it ‘lifts and separates’ soft tissue, known as negative or tensional pressure. This in turn can increase nutrient-rich blood supply to the tissue, while giving a gentle passive stretch to the underlying soft tissue.


Benefits from the Myofascial Cupping Technique™ can provide profound benefits, particularly with assisting the body in maintaining Range Of Motion, eliminating Myofascial Trigger Points and reducing restrictive and sometimes painful fascial adhesions commonly found from repetitive movement originating from sports and the workplace. By reducing fascial adhesions, while encouraging optimal hydration levels of soft tissue, the Myofascial Cupping Technique™ can assist in reducing the incidence of injury and maintaining functional soft tissue.


The founder of Myofascial Cupping Technique™ David Sheehan has a Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Movement), Diploma of Health Science (Remedial Massage) and Diploma of Education. His career highlights include working as a lead sports trainer with various football clubs, which included the use of vacuum cupping for both prevention of and treatment for injuries. Over time, David has developed these skills and now teaches his own energy efficient and effective cupping techniques to massage therapists and physiotherapists in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States, including physiotherapists and remedial therapists at the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS).

The use of hot stones for healing dates back to ancient times. Hot stone massage is a variation on classic massage therapy. The massage therapist performs the treatment using stones, usually basalt stones that are rich in iron so they retain heat.


River rocks are normally used because they are smooth – they have been smoothed over time by the river’s current.


The stones are heated in water in an electric heater until they are within a certain temperature range. Hot stones are then placed on key points of energy to balance the mind and body. Other stones are held in the therapist’s hands and are used to massage.


The hot stones massage is a full body treatment. It is considered a deep relaxation massage because the heat of the stones penetrates the muscles and helps them to relax. This allows for deeper effects however, the treatment is not as specific as a deep tissue massage.


The warmth of the hot stones improves circulation and calms the nervous system. Hot stone massage is great for people who tend to feel chilly or who have cold feet. It also helps people who have muscle tension but prefer a lighter massage. The heat relaxes muscles, allowing the therapist to work the muscles without using deep pressure.


People also get hot stone massage for a variety of health conditions such as:

• Back aches and pain
• Poor circulation
• Stress, tension, anxiety and depression

Non Chiropractic Services

From Active Release Technique (ART), dry needling to acupuncture, our specialized services help people with issues ranging from muscle pain, diet and environmental issues, bone health and more. Contact us for a consultation.

Traditional Chinese Medicine theorizes that there are more than 2,000 acupuncture points on the human body, and that these connect with 12 main and 8 secondary pathways called meridians. These meridians conduct energy, or qi (pronounced “chee”), throughout the body, interference with this flow of injury results in illness.’


Qi is believed to regulate emotional, mental, and physical balance and to be influenced by the opposing forces of yin and yang. According to traditional Chinese medicine, when yin and yang are balanced, they work together with the natural flow of qi to help the body achieve and maintain health. Acupuncture is believed to balance yin and yang, keep the normal flow of energy unblocked, and maintain or restore health to the body and mind.


How Acupuncture Works: Several processes have been proposed to explain acupuncture’s effects, primarily those on pain. Acupuncture points are believed to stimulate the central nervous system to release chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These chemicals either change the experience of pain or release other chemicals, such as hormones, that influence the body’s self-regulating systems. The biochemical changes may stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being. There are three main mechanisms


Conduction of electromagnetic signals: Western scientists have found evidence that acupuncture points are strategic conductors of electromagnetic signals. Stimulating points along these pathways through acupuncture enables electromagnetic signals to be relayed at a greater rate than under normal conditions. These signals may start the flow of pain-killing biochemicals, such as endorphins, and of immune system cells to specific sites in the body that are injured or vulnerable to disease.


Activation of opioid systems: Research has found that several types of opioids may be released into the central nervous system during acupuncture treatment, thereby reducing pain.
Changes in brain chemistry, sensation, and involuntary body functions: Studies have shown that acupuncture may alter brain chemistry by changing the release of neurotransmitters and neurohormones. Acupuncture also has been documented to affect the parts of the central nervous system. 


Currently, one of the main reasons people seek acupuncture treatment is to relieve chronic pain, especially from conditions such as arthritis or lower back disorders. Clinical studies show that acupuncture is effective in relieving both chronic (long-lasting) and acute or sudden pain.

The Gokavi Transverse Technique (GTT) is a dry needling acupuncture technique which utilizes high frequency electrical stimulation to aid in the treatment and management of chronic myofascial pain release.


Needles are inserted in a specific transverse direction to form a special circuit enclosing the area of pain. The needles are electrically stimulated at two different high frequencies, resulting in relaxation and analgesia of the targeted muscles.


Dry needling is then performed transversely. The relaxed muscle (due to the prior high frequency stimulation) can then be lifted and needled through its entire thickness, releasing spasms and trigger points. The increase in muscle length increases mobility and reduces pain, and since the needling is conducted transversely the procedure is more safe than similar procedures. When the procedure is performed by qualified hands, dramatic and long term effects can be expected. GTT is especially effective in the treatment of patients suffering from fibromyalgia.

The Niel-Asher Frozen Shoulder Technique is a ‘natural’ method utilizing the body’s own healing mechanisms. No drugs, no surgery. It is HANDS-ON-ONLY. It uses a specific and unique sequence of manipulations and pressure points to the shoulder joints and soft-tissues. In essence, these can be thought of as inputs into the nervous system. This unique combination stimulates a new pathway in the brain, rapidly releasing injury and spasm and increasing strength and power.


We have labeled this idea Cortex-Neuro-Somatic-Programming (CNSP). The technique ‘fools’ the body/brain into healing itself by addressing the two main components of the problem – pain and stiffness. Initially the technique aims to significantly reduce the pain, by treating the swelling around various shoulder tendons (especially the long head biceps tendon). Following this, the technique moves on to rapidly defrost and improve the range of shoulder motion by stimulating a unique sequence of reflexes hidden within the muscles.


This works on the parts of the brain that coordinate the shoulder muscles called the motor cortex. By using a unique choreographed sequence of reflexes one against another the brain is fooled into changing the fixed capsular pattern.

Dr. Bovino is pleased to announce we now offer Shockwave Therapy. This non-invasive treatment provides a fast and effective help from pain.


Shockwave Therapy Method is an acoustic wave which carries high energy to the painful spot. This energy provokes healing, regenerating and reparative processes of the bones and soft tissue. In many instances, there will be an immediate reduction in pain, as well as improved mobility and functionality. The therapy is free from side effects and brings long-term results!


For Which Conditions is the Shockwave used? Most common indications include:
• Achilles tendon pain
• Painful shoulder
• Patellar pain
• Tennis elbow
• Neck and back pain
• Heel pain


Shockwave Therapy is:
• Non-invasive treatment
• Long-term effects
• No anaesthesia, no drugs
• 3-5 treatments needed
• No side effects

ART is a patented soft tissue management system that treats problems that occur with:
• Muscles
• Tendons
• Ligaments
• Fascia
• Nerves


Overused muscles (and other traumatized soft tissues) can cause changes to your body in three important ways: Cause acute injuries (pulls, tears, collisions, etc.) Accumulate small tears (micro-trauma) Reduce oxygen flow to cells (hypoxia)


Each of these changes causes your body to produce tough, dense scar tissue in the affected area. This scar tissue binds up and ties down tissues that need to move freely. As scar tissue builds up:
• Muscles become shorter and weaker
• Tension on tendons causes tendinitis
• Nerves can become trapped or adhered


This can result in reduced ranges of motion, loss of strength, and pain. With trapped nerves, you may also feel tingling, numbness, shooting pains, burning sensations, weakness, muscle atrophy and circulatory changes.


What Can ART Treat?

• Arthritis
• Achilles tendonitis
• Ankle Injuries
• Back pain/ injuries
• Bicepital Tendonitis
• Bunions
• Bursitis
• Carpal tunnel syndrome
• Compartment syndrome (Chronic)
• De Quervains’s tenosynovitis
• Dupuytren’s contracture
• Foot pain/injury
• Frozen Shoulder
• Gait Imbalances
• Golfers / Tennis elbow (tendonitis)
• Golf Injuries
• Hammer Toes
• Hand Injuries
• Headaches
• Hip Pain
• Ilio tibial band syndrome
• Impingement syndromes
• Joint dysfunction
• Knee meniscus injuries
• Knee Pain
• Leg Injuries
• Muscle pulls or strains
• Muscle weakness
• Myofascitis
• Neck Pain
• Nerve Entrapment
• Syndromes
• Performance Care
• Plantar Fascitis
• Post surgical
• Repetitive Strain Injuries
• Rib Pain
• Rotator Cuff Syndrome
• Running Injuries
• Scar Tissue Formation
• Sciatica
• Shin splints
• Shoulder Pain
• Sports Injuries
• Swimmers Shoulder
• Tendinitis
• Tennis Elbow
• Thoracic outlet syndrome
• Throwing Injuries
• Weight Lifting Injuries
• Whiplash
• (Hyperextension/ hyperflexion injury)
• Wrist Injuries

With 26 different bones, 22 muscles and over 100 ligaments, your feet are engineering miracles. They are also the basis for your entire muscular-skeletal system. Problems in the feet can set off a “chain reaction” of problems elsewhere in the body.Even little problems can affect your knees, hips, spine and even your neck! Custom foot orthotics can help. 


Custom orthotics are a biomechanical appliance that can reduce stress and strain on your body by bringing the feet back into proper alignment. Molds of your feet are created while standing in a weight-bearing position. These are used to make custom-fitting corrective orthotics that slip into your shoes. Their unique size and shape are designed for you and your specific problem. You’ll quickly get used to having these inserts in your shoes, and you will soon notice the wonderful health benefits. 


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